Saturday, September 1, 2012

To be

To be

Beauty flows like a healing balm in a world often filled with pain.
Music with its gentle melodies soothing the soul into contemplation,
Or a more rapid crescendo, leading to the simple joy of movement
Causing the body to come alive with the ecstatic joy of existence,
Flying effortless with the rhythms created for that pleasure.

The ritual of eating with friends,
Sipping wine and laughing over past events,
Remembered with both joy and a stabbing sorrow,
Adding to the depth of the moment so soon over,
Yet more precious because of it fleeting existence.
Old jokes told and yes still laughed at,
The look of joy and love in the eyes of those sharing the table,
Give color to life intoxicating in its intensity.

The beauty of the human form in all its variety,
Laughter, like jewelry, adds to the beauty of those known and loved,Intelligence in its many aspects manifested differently In barbs and jokes told for the sake of the simple joy in the telling,
The ability to be profound and silly and rapid succession,
Healing the pain for a moment, giving strength for the wondrous journey.

Literature allowing the mind to travel, in the miracle of writing exposed,
A whole universe created between the covers, by a mind God like in its creativity,
Adding more joy and depth to life, in being exposed to the inner world of another.

Philosophy teaching the mind to think, becoming sharper in its ability to wonder,
Maturing the mind to become more childlike in its appreciation of life and its gifts,
Freely given to those who have the eyes and heart to see.

Water on a thirsty day,
Is there any pleasure greater than that?
The cold explosion on the tongue, as the water of life partaking,
Quenching the deep desire for wetness, bestowing freedom from the pain of longing.
The smell of rain in the air, or its cooling mist on a hot day,
Truly a gift taken for granted yet given freely all the same.

The Sun and Moon and the stars, hanging in our skies,
Works of art to be admired and loved, leading to thoughts of infinity.
Clouds, things of beauty if noticed and enjoyed,
Their forms making the sky a museum of fine abstract art
Constantly changing for those who take the time to observe.

So much beauty surrounding us, each moment a gift beyond price,
Priceless no payment possible.

The ability to find hope in sorrow,
Faith in the face of doubt,To forgive and therefore find freedom,Compassion for those in need,Empathy for the sorrowing,
Simply seeing the one before you without judging or comparing,
This is the greatest beauty of all,So often overlooked and taken for granted.

For the joy of health,
Also for the patience found when health is gone,
For the strength hidden that flowers when needed
For the courage that comes when facing that final hurdle,
To let go and allow others to live their lives without you,
Moving into the mystery letting go one final time,Wore out from living life as it should be lived.
For this let us be thankful.

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