Sunday, September 2, 2012

About Philip

About Philip
(Died in 07)
Philip’s good days now outnumber the bad,
he is mostly mellow, smiling at everyone
calling each by different names throughout the day,
at times he even gets the names right,
though most of the time we carry some image of his past,
people that he loved now gone, yet for him they are still there.

At night his room is full, family members come in and visit,
perhaps it is a party, yet only he can see them.
Having animated conversations, laughing, pointing,
at times introducing some other invisible to another one,  
once in awhile he draws me into the happy times,
wishing to share his family with me.

So I bow to the room, say hi, shake hands and smile,
asking his family how they are doing,
though I get no response.
However sometimes his room does feel full,
presences that perhaps are there, waiting,
for it is easy to see that he was loved.

He sleeps more now, and yes like us all he has his days,
yet even then his gentleness comes though,
and after the storm he smiles, as if he knows,
that we know, and all is forgiven, which it is:
really nothing to forgive.

Philip, long have you been with us, for you seem in no hurry,
you are welcome for as long as you wish to stay,
your calm smile and compassion that flows from your eyes
still has the power to heal and soothe,
well for me they do, and for that I am thankful.

Your gift is simply allowing us to serve you,
to be able to express our love and concern,
and the need to simply care,
for in caring we are drawn outside of ourselves,
perhaps that is when we draw near to God,
where happiness lies.

Yes your life has meaning,
each stage has its grace,
it teachings,
and you have taught me much.

Thank you

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