Friday, August 31, 2012

So we prayed together

So we prayed together
(Old writing, about five years old)

William was restless last night, taking incessantly without pause, or perhaps any reflection,
on and on. So I move him to another area, for Jerome was sitting there forced to listen.
I took him to his room, which at times helps, being by himself, it sometimes quiets him…….
well it did not work last night. So I took him to our little chapel and said, “William, lets pray together”, he stopped taking, looked up, smiled and said: “good idea, I love to pray”. “So William” I said,” lets pray for your family, both living and dead, and all those whom you knew though out life”…..he laughed and responded: “that will be a lot of people”……”yes true” I responded, “but you are connected to all the people whom you have met in your life, so lets pray for them also”….he agreed.

So I read some Psalms to him, with some little New Testaments readings in between, and he got very quiet, and listened intently, his endless prattle in abeyance for a while. After that I asked him if he wanted to say the Rosary, he said “go for it”, so I started the glorious mysteries. So very slowly we began with the prayer, “Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of they mercy; then the Glory be, Our Father and the Hail Mary’s. He followed me for awhile, and then would get confused, so I would let him lead, then start up again. His face became very peaceful, the long remembered prayer helping his soul find peace, and allowing him to commune with the God he so loves. We then for awhile sat in silence, we talked about the Lord and soon he said I am better now…….then I took him back to the front room, and he remained quiet until bed time. Before I left, he said to me in a soft voice, I love you Markey, thank you.

William has his rough spots, but when he prays, he is at peace, I think that is who he really is deep down, all the other aspects that we experience pass as his moods go up and down, and round and round, but the gentle reflective prayerful William, well that is always there, though perhaps hidden. Perhaps that is why I love this work, for at times it is easy to bring some peace and joy to those whom we care for. Perhaps that is what keeps most in this line of work, the little things that bring some joy.

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