Monday, August 27, 2012

Dark Ocean

Dark Ocean

Emotions are important, but when they overwhelm our ability to think rationally then there is only trouble.  To be overly rational is just as bad, since it can come across as something less than human, cold and fearful of the deep emotions that we are all capable of experiencing.  Our minds float over a vast ocean filled with our hopes and dreams, fears, hatreds, obsessions and if Carl Jung is right, our racial memories as well. 

It is hard to be human, for it can seem at times as if we are in a raft on a rough sea without a paddle.  Is it any wonder that we have to use great discipline, to simply lead a simple human life, without being self destructive towards ourselves or others?  Many fail of course; our news is full of stories of these failures.  We each must find some way of dealing with this reality. 

Some choose strategies that are harmful. Others can keep even keeled. Then for those who seek to dive in and explore, life can be very interesting, though dangerous as well.  The healing that is necessary for anyone to swim in such a current comes from without (if spatial images must be used), it is called grace. There for all who call upon it. 

Christ Jesus walked on the water and Peter stepped out in faith and also felt his feet on wet solidity…. that is until he looked away from Jesus Christ and at himself; then he began to sink.  He reached out and was grasped by Jesus and lifted up.  So it is with us, to be fully human is to face all that is within, but not alone, for Christ Jesus experiences our lives, he has dived deep into our inner oceans and has come out victorious.  In him we can face any inner or outer storm, his grace and love are there always, though often hidden. 

Faith is not blind, it is based on experience….which is why as we age and continue our journey, we find our faith deepening in ways that those who do not follow this path cannot understand and may show only contempt towards us; thinking us fools and deluded.  Understandable, it does not offend me, for faith is a gift beyond price. Yet to experience faith in its fullness, it has to be embraced.  Like love of another.  If not trusted the love can’t be experienced and again, those who can’t make that act of faith and trust in another human being, may have contempt for those who do and think them fools and deluded. 

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