Thursday, May 23, 2013



 It is in the everydayness that we seek truth, though there can be times where we rise above the clouds into a broader reality.  In our everyday lives we always have to choose, make choices to take that next step forward.  The inner life, the life of seeking to deepen our love and trust in God, is one of growing in conscious awareness of who we are and what we are capable of doing and becoming; both good and bad.  Of knowing that each moment is a new beginning of openness to the grace of Infinite Love…. so there is always hope, no matter how dark our days can become.  To choose is often difficult but necessary for us to grow as human beings.

Love of self is difficult, it is the hard road, not to sink, to give up, or to take our inner struggles and pain out on others.  We each have a load to bear; no one is exempt, so seeking to grow in compassion can make each of us a healer for others.  When there is failure, it is a spur to become more open to the grace that gives us the reward of loving, which is to love more, an eternal journey.  That is why eternity is not boring, each moment a new revelation.  Ever deeper in and higher up, if we keep an open heart and allow the Lover of our souls who seeks us in to our deepest recesses. 

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