Friday, February 1, 2013

Where God meet us

 Where God meet us 
In the Christian path, just like the Buddhist one, the Jewish revelation
or the Muslim religion, has its own unique perspective.

In all paths, the transcendent is not about escape,
nor about happy endings in life, it is not about pie in the sky,
though continuation of life is part of it all.

I can only really speak about my path, as a Christian,
for while I have studied others ways, I am not part of them,
though I have learned much.
About submission to God, the importance of compassion,
how God covenants with us, and the fire of purifying love
stronger than death.

Christ for the Christian is the revelation, the showing to the world the Father,
of which he is One and equal with, the Sprit being the love which unites,
also equal with the Father and the Son.

The trinity is about God being relationship, an eternal giving of love from one to another,
Jesus inviting and bringing us into this dance of eternity, of oneness, union, love given and returned,
which is the longing of human hearts, the healing of love.

Yet God meets us in our pain, suffering and failures, becoming flesh ensured that reality,
showing that God is with us, travels with us, and the mystery still remains,
but it is lived in faith that none are alone.

Our life was taken on by Christ Jesus, our death was his, pain that we carried he embraced,
stretched out he showed us love, forgiveness of enemies,the last ounce of blood shed.He was pounded, innocence incarnate, he failed, died an ignoble death, buried and his followers fled, his chosen ones lost all hope.

Christ asked the chalice to be removed, it was not, and he continued and in obedience
overcame death, hell, and sin, for all of us.  Grace is not earned, we can’t, it is pure gift given to all,
and each will have his Emmaus experience as Paul did, to either say “yes your will be done”, or Jesus will say to those who reject, “your will be done”.
In the end, I am still only at the beginning of understanding and will never get to the end of this journey…..thanks be to God.

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